Satisfied and not satisfied. That’s how I feel about my race. 29:52 was not indicative of my fitness, the training I put in, and just the general time I spent in the mountains. But that’s what I earned. Although my game plan was to manage the weather with clothes changes when possible, I wasn’t prepared (clothing-wise) for the last snowstorm just before midnight with sub-freezing temperatures (#4 on the day) at mile 75. It turned out to be a costly mistake. Arriving at Cowley Aid downright frigid, ice blocks for feet, I hunkered down in a canvas tent with a propane heater the size of a small TV, after initially leaving and turning back to the aid after .1 miles. That intended short stay to get warm and feel my feet again turned into six hours. I’m still not sure how that happened. I guess I didn’t think I would warm up or the potential for hypothermia was real and it wasn't worth the risk.
Yet other runners persevered through that weather and it made me question my mountain credentials. Others gladly took a 4x4 ride out of there and dropped but that doesn’t make me feel any better. I like to believe that with rain pants, dry shoes, and socks my stay would have been shorter. As it was not a crew access point (this year) I simply couldn’t pack every drop bag with dry gear. I just didn’t have enough to go around and plan for every situation. But I’m making excuses. As much as I don’t want it to define my race, it’s what I’ll associate it most with.
After emerging from my cocoon at 6am I made a nice push the last 25 finishing it 5:52 allowing me to get under 30 hours. I’m not sure how to categorize the race but I’m actually fairly happy with the race, when I was running.
Besides the running I want to mention the beautiful and peaceful scenes during first snow where red-yellow autumn colors along with the evergreens created an amazing contrast to the the rapidly, but quietly, falling snow. I secretly wished a photographer was out there to capture those moments. It’s something I won’t forget.
Or the non-stop rain or snow that started from the start and made it a race to remember. Temperatures were low most of the race.
Or the yipping from the coyote farm (yes, those exist for whatever reason) in the early miles.
Or the sticky mud that piled under my shoes and the muddy goop that was fun to splash in, especially coming down from Tony Grove Lake.
Or the good conversations with new acquaintances, each on their own journey.
Or the nutrition plan that finally worked where I didn’t have major lows of any sort (plan: eat more. duh).
Or how good the running felt; probably the best I ever felt in a 100 miler.
Or not being completely demoralized when I missed an out-n-back to an aid and mile 67 costing me 3+ miles.
That’s probably why I love 100 milers. You just never know what to expect, which makes it all the more exciting. I’ve recovered so well that I think another 100 is on the horizon, but I’ll decide in a little while. I’m definitely coming back to run The Bear again at some point, to experience the original point-to-point course (it was rerouted into a 50 mile out-n-back because of the weather). Thanks to Marshall and my wife Megan for being out there pacing and crewing making sure I was dry, warm, and fed. There aren't many photos but here are a few:
Frigid hands at mile 20: Leatham Hollow |
Right Hand Fork, mile 37 |
A little over half way: Tony Grove (mile 53) Snowstorm #2
From Bear 100 FB page. This is what the next morning was like. |

Last few yards to the finish