I'm writing this a second time because my computer decided it was going a different direction. Without further ado...The plan has been going as hoped with the LA Marathon back in March serving as my first prep race in which flat road speed would be my primary focus. For Leona, I wanted to start my long training runs early in the season and avoid playing catch-up, as I normally seem to be doing before 100s.
But as soon as my name was miraculously plucked from a hat in Auburn back in December I knew I had to put in my due diligence. How many chances does a runner get to run Western States in this evolving world of ultrarunning? The straight answer is not many.
Fortunately, I have an awesome group of local ultrarunners that are always willing to spend a whole day running and the mountains to boot.
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The last 25 meters of LD50 |
My birthday on 3/29 kicked off my first long run of the season, a 31 miler (to commemorate turning that age) on the old Ray Miller 50km course (on a side note, pleeeaasse bring back Ray Miller 50!). The subsequent weeks leading up to LD50 saw long runs in the San Gabriel mountains in uncommonly cool temps. This is some of the best prep I've done for a 50 and it showed on race day. I entered Leona in the hopes of running in the heat and I chose the course because of its runnability. However, due to permitting issues the RD, Keira Henninger, had to re-route the course. Usually, that ends up making the course redundant and less scenic. The opposite was true for this race. On an unusually cool day, the race began. My intention was to run via my HR and use it as a tool to understand if I was going too easy, too hard, not taking enough calories, and overall stress levels. Also, the goal for this race was to run splits as even as possible, allowing for a +10 minute split on the second half. But with that I broke one of the cardinal rules of running: don't try anything new on race day. To hell with it though, this was a WS trial run. I used a utility belt (UD SJ Essential) and new gels I've never tried (V-fuel). Overall the race went as about good as I was hoping. Almost exactly even splits between the first and second half of the race while running about 95% of the time. I thought I could finish under 8 and the final time of 7:58(PR) was on the mark, earning me an 11th place finish. I finished the race on a high and drove 2 hours home. As soon as I got out of the car I started limping because of severe pain in my R quad region. I took the next 4 days off with mild improvement in the pain but there was still no way I could walk, let alone run. So I tried to self-diagnose (after all I'm a PT) but the pain was so diffuse and I couldn't perform some of the tests on myself that I went to a couple PT colleagues. Turns out it's most likely an adductor magnus GII strain/tear. So I decided to stop running for 1 more week hoping that going to gym, getting some massage therapy, biking, hopping on the elliptical (which were all pain free) would help improve the healing process. Well, it helped but still not enough where I could run. Anytime I would try I'd had shooting pain when I landed and so my gait started to change. Walking hurt. So now 3 weeks had passed and I hadn't done much. With WS approaching and training camp only 5 days away I started to worry: that basically involved watching Unbreakable and moping. As a last resort I tried a local acupuncturist, hoping dry needling would live up to the current research. It worked. Maybe not in that moment but in 3 days I was able to run, with no symptoms, the 70 miles of Western States training camp in 3 days. It was such a blast.
Volcano Canyon (photo: Chris Price) |
The WS organization knows how to put on an event. Having perfected logistics, they have incredible aid stations and great volunteers. To me it felt like what sleep-away camp would be for trail runners; running, playing in the creeks and rivers, and hanging out. I was sad to see it end and had a great time with my carpool buddy
Prizzle and the rest of the SoCal gang:
Dom, and
Katie. The town of Auburn certainly has a special appeal and now I understand the mystique of Western States 100. It's not so much the course itself but what surrounds it: Easy going, friendly locals, who open up their home to you (thank you to the Curly's for putting up two strangers), legends of ultrarunning taking no qualm in asking what you need at aid stations, and runners with a common interest of letting things go in the surrounding wilderness. Now that I'm back home, the training will continue in the form of long runs, sauna time, and strength training with the hopes of being as prepared as I ever have for a 100 and producing my best run yet.
M7 (Jesse Haynes), Keira, me, Prizzle (photo: Chris Price) |
On a quick note I've decided to backpack across the entire country of Iceland (north to south) in July with my backpacking and ultrarunning friend,
The Onion. We will be following J. Ley's route right through the heart of the country with the intention of experiencing some of the most unique and strange wilderness this world has to showcase. Further details in another post.